Apple "Upgrades": Stop Chasing The Dragon.
About this time each year the conversation about upgrading computers comes up in various circles of people and most definitely for photographers and digi-techs. I try to talk sense into people and save them money. But some people are always chasing the dragon to have the newest and what they assume is best based on the price. Understanding the value, marketing and real world performance for your use cases can save your thousands of dollars. I've already had people reach out to me regarding the latest offerings from Apple that were released this week. So this urged me to put all my thoughts on the subject in one place. Here's some opinions I have on the subject of buying computers from someone that's been doing this for a long time. You don't have to upgrade annually. Anyone doing so is wasting time and money. A computer is a depreciating asset. Not an investment that should retain it's value over time. A computer is a tool that makes you money (especially if you&